2024 Survey Schedule
Data collection begins:
Apr 30, 2024
Data effective date:
May 1, 2024
Early sign-up discount ends:
Apr 30, 2024
Data submission due date:
Jul 26, 2024
Publication date:
Late August

Our online order process is undergoing maintenance.

to place an immediate order please return the sign-up form or order form, or contact us at salary.surveys@milliman.com or 206-504-5787.
Milliman Northwest Management & Professional Survey

Objective data on management, supervisory, and professional positions compiled from major employers within Washington, Oregon, and Idaho

2024 data results available soon

2023 data results now available view 2023 prices

Place an order
Select option(s) below. (Consultants not eligible for discounts.) The full results include Interactive Online Access for custom data breakouts and reports, and a downloadable detailed results report: Part 1 - Main Report (PDF), Part 2 - Graphs (PDF), Spreadsheet Summaries

2024 Northwest Management & Professional Survey
Non-Early Bird Participant Pricing
Participate in the survey and purchase the survey results ................. $1170
Participate in the survey - may purchase later ................. $0
Early Bird Participant Pricing
Sign up before Apr 30, 2024 to save $75 off the participant price.
Save $75. Sign up early to participate and purchase the survey results. ................. $1095
Become an early participant - may purchase later ................. $0
Non-Participant Pricing
Purchase the survey results as a non-participant ................. $2190
Consulting firm / provider of third-party analysis ................. $6570
2023 Northwest Management and Professional
Non-Participant Pricing
Purchase the survey results as a non-participant ................. $1990
Consulting firm / provider of third-party analysis ................. $5970


Our online order process is undergoing maintenance.

to place an immediate order please return the sign-up form or order form, or contact us at salary.surveys@milliman.com or 206-504-5787.

Consulting firms, or other entities, who provide third-party analysis are not eligible for pricing discounts. Contact us for more information.

If you prefer to email, fax or mail your order/sign-up, download the form(s) below.

2024 Participant order form

2023 Order Form